Alec Benjamin Water Fountain Lyrics Meaning from Mp3Juice

Are you looking for Alec Benjamin Water Fountain lyrics meaning? Hm, we wonder if he’s being a manipulative jerk, or if this is some deeper love song that we still don’t fully comprehend. We have to confess, it’s quite catchy, and we enjoy it, so we’re hoping it’ll be about anything important; nonetheless, the only way to comprehend it is to review.
Basically, this song is about Alec Benjamin and a romance that didn’t work out for him; well, it was more of an almost-relationship that he was in; then he wished to be in later; but it didn’t work out.
We wrote this song about one of the first girls we ever liked, who told me she loved me but we weren’t ready. Then, as we grew older, we still had affections for her, but she had moved on and was dating other men.
He stated he liked her, and she said she loved him; and he wasn’t ready; he continues to like her; but by the time he’s ready to commit more fully, she’s gone on totally. Isn’t it a sad song? You have no notion until you hear the singing, guys; you have no idea.
Explanation Alec Benjamin Water Fountain Lyrics Meaning

What we like about what Alec Benjamin does here is that he basically takes that story and tells it exactly; we have a lot of respect for an artist who simply takes what happened to them and puts it to music.
Sure, they make it sound good and edit the lyrics so that they’re all pretty and pretty; but this dude is just telling a personal story; and so we trust him, we feel the honesty here, it feels personal and real; and that’s really important.
1. The Verse One
We enjoy how particular it is. Now, we think it’s probably a real water fountain; not one in a park, but one in a school hallway or something; because he was young and it most probably happened at his school.
That’s very sweet; but, we have no idea who this other guy is, and we may learn more about him later; additionally, he claims that she was extremely present; she wasn’t trying to manipulate him; she was simply attempting to reassure him.
So she’s gradually forgetting about her feelings for Alec; this isn’t necessarily a terrible thing; but she’s moved on to this other man, and things aren’t looking so hot; she’s got a cup full of something that isn’t grape juice; and there’s this dude attempting to make a move on her. We’ll start with the pre-chorus.
2. Pre-chorus
It’s worth noting that it’s entirely the other guy’s doing; she’s not doing anything in return.
Wait a second; we thought she’d forgotten about you. Okay, that was perhaps the part that felt the most emotionally manipulative to me the first ten times we heard it; after all, what if she shouldn’t be by the water fountain with you?
You aren’t a gift from God to all the unmarried ladies out there. Of course, we have nothing against Alec Benjamin. We hear in the chorus.
3. Chorus
That time, he’s referring to a real fountain, not one like the ones at school.
Just in case you were wondering they were too old; we’re joking, of course. The idea is that he seems to think back and say “yeah, she was pretty awesome, and we should have grown up in that second, and dedicated to a little bit more than just liking her”.
And now he seems to think she’s not super happy either; so it turned out pretty badly for both of them at the same time; though he does confirm, “I was too young, and she was too young.” And, sure, there is most likely an age and maturity cutoff at which people are simply too young to properly commit to romantic love.
After reading this Alec Benjamin Water Fountain lyrics meaning, you should listen to this song on mp3 juice. After that, you will profoundly know how this slot has a deep meaning.